Thursday, November 7, 2013

Margin Call

Plot:  Follows the key people at an investment bank, over a 24-hour period, during the early stages of the financial crisis.




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It's rare that this happens, but I actually got tired and just went to bed.  I didn't make it to the end.  Based on the wikipedia entry's plot synopsis, I'm glad I didn't.  The cast is great, the acting is great and the story is interesting because it's based on real events, but I just found this movie to be insanely boring.  I work in the business world and it's not that the terminology was over my head or this situation wasn't one of the biggest deals on wall street in recent memory, it's just...who give's a shit?    A bunch of very greedy bankers screwed themselves and everyone else, then got away with it scot free.  Ok, now can I watch something that is actually entertaining?

If you wonder what happened during the 2008 financial meltdown on wall street, this really is a decent way to go about seeing what happened.  Just imagine this movie, but at every single major bank in the entire country.  But for the average person who really wants to hear a story, have a few laughs and be entertained, I cannot recommend it.  But it is relatively accurate in it's story telling and it's character portrayals.  These actors nailed wall street banker perfectly.


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