Tuesday, October 29, 2013

8 Heads in a Duffel Bag

Plot:  A mob bagman finds that his luggage, containing the proof of his latest hit, has been switched.




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Pesci plays a mobster who is transporting eight heads of murder victims to his mob boss and he is flying coach.  Apparently walking around with a bunch of rotting, severed heads isn't a red flag for pre-9/11 flight security.  When a medical student on vacation in Mexico with his girlfriend and her parents ends up with the duffel bag by accident, the mobsters that goes only by "Tommy" needs to track him down.  Fearful of the Mexican law system, the protagonist tries to hide, get rid of, destroy the heads with very little success.

This movie is stupid.  I'll be the first to admit that.  There are so many plot holes that you really need to just shut off the critical thinking part of your brain to enjoy this.  But it is a stupid comedy and it is entertaining.  The writers got awfully creative and found a way to make a severed head a comical prop for the purposes of this movie.  

There is actually very little violence and the severed heads aren't gross and obscene, it's actually the bad language that earned this it's R rating.

If you are a Pesci fan or if you like stupid comedy movies, this is movie with something to consider.


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