Friday, October 25, 2013

Assault on Wall Street


Plot: Jim is an average New Yorker living a peaceful life with a well paying job and a loving family. Suddenly, everything changes when the economy crashes causing Jim to lose everything. Filled with anger and rage, Jim snaps and goes to extreme lengths to seek revenge for the life taken from him.




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So average Joe's smoking hot wife has cancer and he has the dumbest stock broker in history.  When the stock market collapses, Joe has all of his money tied up in real estate notes that have become completely worthless and it will take years for him to get any of his money back.  Lacking a basic knowledge of the business world or how lawsuits work, he hires a shady lawyer for a large, up front cash payment and goes completely broke.  His wife, I suppose depressed that she married such a idiot, commits suicide.

No.  this isn't the whole movie.  This is the first 25 minutes.  The rest of the movie is average Joe turned mass murder planning cunning assassinations against rich business men.

His broker screws up and so he goes on a mass killing spree, shooting whole rooms of people who are loosely connected with his personal tragedy.

I suppose if I didn't know anything about the business world, this movie would make more sense on it's face.  Him good.  Them bad.  Oog oog.  Shoot them with gun.  Oog.

But since I'm not completely fucking ignorant, nothing he does ever makes sense.  He is just a dumb guy and when he railroads his entire life he goes batshit crazy.  

Now there is something to be said for movies about crazy mass murderers, and that is "they are fascinating."

But there is nothing fascinating about this.  It's just some ex-marine who is pissed off at wall street and he blames everyone but himself for his troubles.  It's not an overtly bad movie, it's just not interesting.  You never get emotionally attached to the film because he is a moron and his wife dies too early for you to care about her at all.

If you like guns and you hate wallstreet, this movie is right up your alley.  Otherwise, go watch Law Abiding Citizen with Gerard Butler.  It's the movie they were trying to replicate with this and that movie is 100 times better.


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