Friday, October 25, 2013


Plot:  A group of people are trapped in an elevator and the Devil is mysteriously amongst them.



(screenplay), (story)


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If you bother read the IMDB nonsense at the top, you will notice a familiar name.

M. Night Shamalamadingong

Oh man, his movies SUCK!  He did The Sixth Sense and since then it has been all down hill from there.

Did you enjoy The Village?  Listen to this and then tell me you still like it, because comedian Jim Norton tears it apart.

What what about DevilIs this just another one of Manoj's failures?  

Well, no.  Not really.  The idea behind the movie is pretty simple, a group of every day strangers take an elevator ride with Satan.  Ok.  This sounds pretty inane, but for a really stupid idea the movie isn't all that bad.  The acting is decent, the story makes sense and it's rather light on the M. Night TWIST tradition.  Overall, it's a mediocre horror film.

Is this worth watching?  No.  But if your a big fan of the horror genera, you could do worse.

2/5 STARS  

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