Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Last Godfather

Plot:  A Mafia boss trains his mentally impaired son as his successor.




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Don't ask me why I watched this, I kept looking at the DVD cover.  And looking at it.  And looking at it.  And then just went, "Fuck it" and clicked.

I am a gigantic fan of John Pinette, so there!  There is my excuse!

This movie is strangely bad and the movie plot description is absolutely accurate.  Mob boss (Keitel) has no son to pass the family business down to, except his secret son who he conceived with a prostitute while traveling through the Orient.  So now, in a wacky turn of events, a 40 years old mentally impaired asian man is being groomed to be the next mafia don!

It's so unbelievably bad you spend the first 20 minutes saying to yourself, "really?  They really made this movie?  And they got Harvey Keitel in it!  How hard up for cash is Harv?!"

Once you get over the fact that someone actually put time and effort into making this movie, it actually starts to grow on you.

I'm not insane.  The movie actually starts to make you dumber.  It brings your own mental capacity down to a level where you actually get invested into the story and start of ignore the horrendous nature of what you are watching.  It is truly stupid, like Baby's Day Out level stupid, chock full of Three Stooge's type of physical comedy.  If you are really open minded and give every movie the benefit of the doubt, you will make it all the way to the end, albeit with a few less IQ points

What's really strange is that this seems like a movie that would be perfect for kids, but it's rated PG-13.  Why did they do this!  Seven years olds would watch this, but teenagers aren't going to!   What a horrible misstep on their part, then again, whoever thought to mix organized crime with the wacky antics of a mentally impaired asian man has already shown questionable judgement about what should or should not be made into a full length feature film.  I guess I should really be relieved that no one got accidentally bludgeoned with a shovel and then buried alive in the film, earning it an R rating.


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